Dani Johnson Script Book Supplemental Pdf 56
Book-title translations can be either descriptive or symbolic. Descriptive book titles, for example Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince), are meant to be informative, and can name the protagonist, and indicate the theme of the book. An example of a symbolic book title is Stieg Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, whose original Swedish title is Män som hatar kvinnor (Men Who Hate Women). Such symbolic book titles usually indicate the theme, issues, or atmosphere of the work.
dani johnson script book supplemental pdf 56
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This collection consists of 400 books, 12 linear feet of archival items and resource material about Upton Sinclair collected by bibliographer John Ahouse, author of . Included are Upton Sinclair books, pamphlets, newspaper articles, publications, circular letters, manuscripts, and...
This collection consists of manuscripts by dramatist, novelist, poet and screenwriter Zoë Akins (1886-1958), and other Akins family members, a few pieces of correspondence, a photographic album, drawings, reel-to-reel tapes, printed books, and ephemera.
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The Cotton Notebook shows that Thorkelin prepared, either before he went to England or in the course of his research, a list of Cotton manuscripts that appeared to him to have some possible bearing on Danish antiquities. To prepare his list, he used Thomas Smith's Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecæ Cottonianæ, a carelessly prepared work that omitted all mention of Beowulf in the otherwise flawed account of BL MS Cotton Vitellius A. xv.24 The Nowell Codex, the part of Cotton Vitellius A. xv containing Beowulf, actually consists of five items: a St. Christopher fragment, The Wonders of the East, Alexander's Letter to Aristotle, Beowulf, and the Judith fragment.25 Yet Smith's catalogue records only two items: Translatio epistolarum Alexandri ad Aristotelem, cum picturis de montrosis animalibus Indiæ and Fragmentum de Juditha & Holopherne. It is not surprising then that Thorkelin failed to include Cotton Vitellius A. xv when he first prepared the list of manuscripts he wanted to study at the British Museum. Fortunately, he later supplemented his list by reference to more reliable sources than Smith.
The Reading Room Register shows that he made this discovery on 3 October 1786, about two months after he began working at the Museum. Thorkelin took another look at Beowulf during the day of 16 October 1786. But according to the Register he did not use the Beowulf manuscript at all in 1787, when both transcripts were supposedly made, and if the Register is reliable, he did not even consult the manuscript again until 1789. It should be kept in mind that the notebook entry merely adds Beowulf to a long list of manuscripts Thorkelin intended to study later. Although he did go out of his way to locate the poem, abandoning the order of the entries in his Cotton Notebook to look for it, and probably commissioning Thorkelin A soon after finding it, the date of his discovery should not be confused with the date of Thorkelin B, which all of the available evidence suggests was made considerably later than 1787.
A transcription of the Vitellius entries on this page of his Cotton Notebook, with Thorkelin's later notes bracketed, can help us keep his discovery of Beowulf in his rather than our perspective:
The Reading Room Register, then, forces us to question the 1787 date Thorkelin gives for his transcript of Beowulf. Though it tells us that he discovered the poem late in 1786, and that he had enough interest in it to borrow it twice, the Register also tells us that he was more interested in Icelandic manuscripts at the time, and that he did not acquire his transcript in 1786, for the manuscript was in his possession for only two and a half days at the most. It tells us that he did not borrow the manuscript at all in 1787, or even in 1788, and that in 1789 when he did borrow it again, he concentrated instead on other Vitellius manuscripts. At this stage in his research, Vitellius C. ix was manifestly more important than Beowulf to Thorkelin. In fact, he pinned to the page in his Cotton Notebook a note that covers up the reference to Vitellius A. xv. The note reads:
This register includes many of the same charters from the reign of Cnut that Thorkelin had so carefully noted in his Cotton Notebook. It is reasonable to suppose that he originally kept these transcripts with the other ones in Ny kgl. Saml. 511. Moreover, this assumption is supported by the fact that two charters from Harleian MSS 258 and 3763 remain, apparently by oversight, in Ny kgl. Saml. 513e. In any event, the entries in Register 122 record his use of many manuscripts.30 Some of the transcripts from this register can be dated relatively early, since Thorkelin first used Cotton Augustus ii on 3-4 October 1786, Vespasian C. xiv from 8 November to 19 December 1786, Harleian 7007 from 10 November to 21 December 1786, Cotton Nero B. iii from 28 February to 4 April 1787, and Rymer's Foedera all of the time that he was working at the British Museum in 1787.
In 1787, the year in which both transcripts of Beowulf are supposed to have been made, Thorkelin did not call for a single Old English manuscript. The Reading Room Register shows that Thorkelin's investigations took quite different turns in this year and that he borrowed books for only the first five months. On 3 January he used the Annals of Ulster in Add. MS 4795 from the Milles collection. By the end of the month, and for the remaining four months, his interest switched for the most part to English-Scandinavian affairs in early modern times. He pursued this fascination by studying manuscripts from the Rymer collection on 29 January, 27 February, 28 February (Add. MSS 4628, 4629, 4630), and 20 March (Add. MS 4574), and by borrowing Cotton Nero B. iv and v from 28 February to 4 April. On 28 March he used five more Nero manuscripts,53 presumably for the information they contained relating to the Hanseatic League.
If, as the evidence suggests, Thorkelin had a full transcript of Beowulf ready for him when he returned to the British Museum in 1788, there would have been little point in his sitting down to make another copy. It is more likely that he continued his investigations in the British Museum while perhaps studying Thorkelin A at home in his spare time. The Reading Room Register shows clearly that he was interested in numerous other manuscripts in 1788. Working with the beautiful Harleian MS 2278 doubtless whetted Thorkelin's interest in the Harleian collection. On 25 June 1788, he borrowed a third version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in Cotton Tiberius B. i (a late addition to his Cotton Notebook, with all 6 chronicle poems). But for the next month and a half, from 26 June to 8 August, he immersed himself in the Harleian collection, which only contained a few Anglo-Saxon pieces for him to study.68 Thorkelin moved at such a pace through the Harleian collection that his name is the only one to appear for long stretches in the Register.
Thorkelin then resumed his systematic use of the Cotton Notebook, picking up where he had left off, at the end of the Caligula manuscripts and the beginning of Claudius. He was especially industrious in one week at the end of May: from the 21st to the 26th he signed out eight Claudius manuscripts, including A. ii, B. vi, and C. ix.74 From the 22nd to the 28th he used six Nero manuscripts, including Nero A. i (containing Wulfstan's Sermo lupi ad Anglos), ii, and iv; from the 25th to the 28th he continued his investigation of Nero manuscripts by borrowing eight more; and on the 26th he studied five Galba manuscripts.75 He doubtless learned at this point that the Otho manuscripts he was interested in had been destroyed in the Cottonian Library fire and that Vitellius C. ix contained the two versions of the Life of Griffin. The note he attached to his Cotton Notebook thus dovetails with the undoubted course of his research at this time. To be sure, on 28 May he reached the Vitellius entries in his notebook. On that day he signed out four Vitellius manuscripts, A. xiii, xv (Beowulf), xvii, and xx, returned them all, and then signed out four more, Vitellius C. viii. ix, D. vii, and E.v. 350c69d7ab