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Lutheran schools need not go it alone.

  • Why Join?
    Membership in Lutheran Schools Association (LSA) connects you to other school leaders, teachers, and support staff. LSA provides advice, advocacy at local and state levels, professional training for educators needing CTLE or OCFS hours, access to testing options and human resources assistance. By joining you can save time and money. Founded in the spirit of collaboration 40 years ago, we operate to strengthen Lutheran schools in the Metro-NY area. Join us!
  • What features are included?
    ADVOCACY Keep abreast of new funding and service opportunities available to non-public schools; Get support in accessing and using Title funding. FACILITATOR Conferences for teachers and school leaders Educator Resource emails, curated by our director and sent to all member schools Support and Collaboration with NYS grades 3-8 ELA, Math, and Regents exams. PARTNER Access cost-saving programs through LSA, such as discounts on testing, training, and Human Resources support Connect with other Lutheran schools via Directors' meetings and Professional development events Need something? Email and we'll do our best to help you.
  • How are membership fees determined?
    School membership fees are calculated on a per pupil basis depending on the amount of time a student spends in school each week. School Membership At this level, all members of a school's staff receives all features listed above for the duration of the school year in which membership begins. The minimum School Membership fee is $200.00.
  • How might we find funds for membership?
    Many schools include the per student member fee in their registration fees. Setting up a restricted account helps to ensure that payment can be made at the start of each school year.
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Lutheran Schools Association, NY © 2024

For any queries, please contact Office@LSANY.Org

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